British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat

The British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) is a partnership of five Regional Destination Management Organizations (RDMO) in BC. It consists of Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA), 4VI (Vancouver Island), Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association (CCCTA), Kootenay Rockies Tourism Association (KRTA), and Northern BC Tourism Association (NBCTA).

After COVID-19, BCRTS wanted to create a tourism snapshot for each region covering the 2019-2021 period. Each snapshot was specifically branded for each RDMO and communicated the region’s statistics and information in a visually pleasing and graphical way.

In addition to the tourism snapshots, we worked with BCRTS to create five ‘How to’ guides for their stakeholders to help them with marketing, discovering opportunities and better understanding their customers.
