Alberta Invasive Species Council

Rat on Rats!

Alberta Invasive Species Council (AISC) requested branding for their new Rat on Rats! campaign with the goal of continuing to keep Alberta rat free. As the world‘s largest rat-free jurisdiction, it was important that the logo be accurate and recognizable as a rat in both behaviour and character.

The font adds a retro feeling and is inspired from some original posters dating back to 1950 when Alberta first started their rat control program. In addition to the logo, scenario illustrations were created to educate the public on where they could encounter a rat or the type of damage that rats cause.

A complete brand guidelines was developed which included marketing examples such as billboards, social media posts, and educational mock-ups.

Sample billboard of the AlSC Rat on Rats! campaign

Part of the design evolution of the Rat on Rats! logo. We presented several styles and positions of the rat along with various typography options.

Many of the different scenarios that were illustrated to demonstrate where rats can be found and/or the damage that they cause.